Strength Through Surrender Lent Card Set (digital)



Lent is a 40-day commitment of surrender, remembering and reflecting on Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness. This season is often recognized by fasting, prayer, and repentance. While you may choose to fast from a particular food, beverage, or habit over these 40 days, our invitation is to enter into a daily rhythm of self-reflection, confession, prayer, and fasting. We will explore many areas of the human experience together. Jesus was tested and proven faithful. May we choose to follow Him.

Join us as we find strength through surrender this Lent season. 

This digital card set includes 45 (5×5 inch) cards, with one for every day of Lent. The file is set up so that you can fold on the line between the front and back of each card to create a two sided card. Note that they are labeled with the dates specific to the 2024 Lent season of February 14th 2024 – March 28th 2024.


  • (45) 8.5 x 11″ pages of devotional content

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