Word Nerd 2023 Devotional


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Hey, ya’ll! I’m Amy Hale, and I am so excited about the opportunity to share with you this month! I am a writer, conference speaker, Bible study leader, and accidental Instagram influencer passionate about my family, good food, and fellowship with my sisters-in-Christ. Even though I was a child when I accepted Christ, it was only about ten years ago that I began reading Scripture. Sure, I would follow along with the pastor during a sermon, but in 2013 God showed me the importance of really meditating on, understanding, and applying His Word. At the risk of sounding terribly cliche, it changed my life. God became so much more “real” to me when I established the discipline of daily Bible reading. After many years of praying to Him, I felt I was finally hearing back from Him as I opened my Bible and studied His Word. He met me on the pages every morning with just what I needed. I wish it hadn’t taken me so long to discover just how amazing it really is, so my passion now is to help women overcome the obstacles that keep them from being in the Word and teach them how to study it for themselves. I love helping women experience the peace, joy, strength, encouragement, and equipping that comes from getting to know God more personally through meditating on His Holy Word.

Join us this month as Amy shares her favorite ways to understand scripture better and apply it to your life.

Additional information

Weight .3 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 4.5 × 1 in


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