Hi there friends!!!! Thank you so much for stopping by today! I wanted to share with you my tips for completing the bible journaling kits that we make with DaySpring. Each kit includes a 14 day devotional, I think this is the perfect length to really dig in but not take over your life for the month! Since these bible journaling kits come out monthly I wanted to share my tips for keeping up in a way that is helpful and impactful!

Before you jump into Through Christ, consider finishing up I am Strong! Before I share my tips I wanted to post my journey though the last devotional kit so I can point out things as we move along in our tips :)

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Supplies: journaling bible | bible journaling supplies | print & pray iheartstudio

First off I wanted to say, if you enjoy doing a day here a day there as each kit comes in and letting the kits unfold like a flower, I TOTALLY get that! I am right there with you on most things!!! But I really loved working through each kit before the next one comes in so I just wanted to share my tips for that with you today  :)

  1. Equip yourself before the kit arrives! Ok so you watched the latest unboxing video on our YouTube channel and you purchased your kit, don’t wait for the kit to arrive to start the fun part!!! This is where I get myself all ready. Instead of looking through my whole stash each day of the kit, I set up a little area I will work through the kit. I grab some pens that match the colors of the kit, some paint, adhesive, any stickers I think may match well, alphabet stickers (ALWAYS!!!) and some washi tape! Don’t forget a couple of journaling pens you are sure to need those! I find if I have everything in one place I am able to work through the kit much quicker and with intention instead of searching for items through my stash.
  2. Okay! Your kit is here! Excited! Jump up and down! Shout for joy!!!! If you have created the created to create devotional you already know what is next. Put everything down. Stop. Give it to God and pray. It is so easy to want to jump in and just start on our own, but honestly you might not get very far, you may not find inspiration or the depth you were hoping for. Starting with prayer and allowing God to get your heart in the right place is key!!
  3. Take it one day at a time. YES! It’s great to have a plan but don’t limit yourself or where God might take you on this journey! Each day in the devotional might have something totally different for you or it may build on what you did yesterday, but being OPEN to that is key! If you get “behind” show yourself some grace! This is YOUR kit, YOUR devotional, YOUR time with God, ENJOY every single moment!
  4. Keep it simple! Yes some days may be filled with inspiration as you take what you learn in your devotional and move it over to your bible, but other days may be filled with meetings, laundry and late nights and you might just need 10 mins to read, pray and simply document what God has for you in a very simple way! Check out day 13 above, doesn’t get much simpler then that!
  5. Don’t be afraid to repeat things while bible journaling! Again I will point you to day 4 & 14 above, see something familar? :) YES! I love that simply using a layover on top of my journaling and I am done! I also used the “I am STRONG” stamp on almost every single layout. Does this make it boring? I don’t think so! When I look back through my bible a year from now I will be able to recognize the exact devotional I was working through as see these! That visual reminder is HUGE for me!
  6. Got sick? Went on vacation? Or life just got in the way and now you are “6 days behind” no worries friend!! Don’t be afraid to double up on days! Sometimes I will just get into this mood to dive deep and bible journal late into the night, or I get in the groove and want to #paintallthethings if you want to get caught up this is a wonderful way to do that! I knew the next kit was coming this month so I did the last 4 entries in about 2 days, I loved being able to say I was done and get ready for the next!! Again there is no pressure, these are only for those that love finishing up one kit before the next arrives :)
  7. Make a goal. Document your journey, and inspire others. Sometimes the best way to hold yourself accountable is to count on friends!!! I know that when I share online and with my Illustrated Faith tribe I am WAY more likely to continue each day! It’s not about how many likes I get or comments I see, but more about the fact that each time you post something you will hear about how you have inspired someone else to keep going or even to get started! I have to tell you that is pretty motivating, to see how God is using YOUR time with Him is HUGE and just makes me smile!!! If you do share make sure to use #illustratedfaith as we love to feature your work!!!!

There you have it friends! My top 7 tips for finishing up your bible journaling kit in 14 days! What is your process? Do you like to finish one kit before the next arrives? Do you just like working through the kits as the spirit moves you or do you need more of a game plan? Do you have tips I didn’t mention here? I would love to hear from you!!!


xox Shanna Noel

1 Comment
  1. JennieRensink 7 years ago

    Thanks, Shanna! This is exactly what I needed. I get so excited when I order my kit, I can’t wait for it to come in the mail, and then when I get it, I LOVE it and then freeze, lol. I think Tip 1 & 2 will definitely help with this. Thanks again!

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