Janel MacLean | Jesus did many other things... | mixed media art journaling Bible | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd

Today was one of those days where I opened my Bible to a random page and just read.  It seems that no matter how many times I’ve read through it, there will always be passages that strike me anew each time.  When I came upon John 21:25 today, I was moved.  The words were so beautifully written, poetic almost.  I love how it reads from the NIV translation,

“Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” -John 21:25

Janel MacLean | Jesus did many other things...  | mixed media art journaling Bible | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd
Amazing!!  Even the WHOLE WORLD would not have room for all of the books that would be written about all of the amazing things that Jesus did while He was here on Earth.  It thrills me to think of all of the miracles that Jesus performed, or the conversations that He had that we don’t know about yet!  I love how John paints this picture for us.  I think of it like, Yes this is the Gospel and it’s sooooo good, and so perfect, but this is JUST the tip of the iceberg!

Jesus did SO many more things and there is just not enough paper or ink to document it all.  The even cooler part is that Jesus is still going. He is still doing great and mighty things every single minute of every single day.  His love for us is measureless and so are His acts.

Janel MacLean | Jesus did many other things...  | mixed media art journaling Bible | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd



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