Experiencing God: Savor



“Taste and see that the Lord is good!” (Psalm 34:8) 
I often scarf down my food, racing from one place to another, and don’t really take the time to taste it, to savor it. I do this with so many things in life: answered prayers, God’s fingerprints all around me, undeserved gifts from the Lord, really, the list goes on. What about you? Do you savor the Lord’s blessings? Do you grab hold of His goodness extended to you and marvel at its sweet gentleness and its salty wisdom? Or do you consume it and move on to the next issue without a moment’s reflection? It is so easy to be distracted by other concerns or circumstances to the point that we fail to acknowledge that the Lord has indeed heard and answered our prayers.  

We probably receive the Lord’s blessing this way more often than we know. The fever breaks, we make it home safely through the rain, the check actually clears and we move on without a second thought. Days or hours earlier we were begging the Lord for help and deliverance but the moment that particular concern is out of the way, we’re on to the next problem. Yet the Lord asks us to “taste and see,” to savor His goodness in our life, to grab hold of those blessings and enjoy them! It’s not only intentional, it’s an act of warfare. As we grab hold of the Lord’s blessings we refuse the distractions of the world and deny the enticements of Satan. As we endeavor to savor the Lord’s blessings we say with greater trust, deeper affection, and appropriate boldness – the Lord IS good! Experiencing God is all about noticing His goodness, paying attention and savoring it. If we don’t, we may miss out on the richness of His goodness simply because we didn’t take the time to savor.

In October, we savor.

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