Greetings beloved Illustrated Faith Family! As I was praying about what God would like me to post, I came...
Memory Keeping: Faith Edition | Love You More
Andrea Gray, , Andrea Gray, Illustrated Faith Bella Blvd You are Loved, Memory Keeping, Memory Keeping: Faith Edition, traveler's notebook, You Are Loved, 0“I love you, Papi.” “I love you more, kid.” “I know, Daddy.” This is how my phone conversations always...
Worth the Wait | Hannah’s Prayer
Bailey Robert, , Bailey Jean Robert, art journal, art journaling Bible, Bailey Jean Robert, Bella Blvd, bible journaling, faith, Genesis Collection, homespun alpha stickers, Illustrated Faith, Journaling, journaling Bible, traveler's notebook, women of the Bible, worth the wait, You Are Loved, 0Funny how these things work. Several weeks ago Shanna asked me to choose a topic to share on the...
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