mixed media Bible journaling entry by April Crosier | I Love Jesus & Naps -- Finding Rest in Him

You know what I really love, friends?  Well, I mean next to God + my kids + heavily salted french fries from McD’s….

I really love that Jesus gives us a thumbs up for having grown up nap times.  As perfect masterpieces made in the image of God, we can find comfort in the fact that [just like God on the seventh day of creation], a little siesta is in order every once in awhile.

mixed media Bible journaling entry by April Crosier | I Love Jesus & Naps -- Finding Rest in Him

As creative spirits, a lot of our energy often times spurs from digging deep in to our paint tubes, yarn baskets or a new brick of clay.  But there are somedays when our creativity has just zapped us of energy [and sometimes brain cells #canigetanamen?]….

Maybe you’ve been working later hours than usual…. the stress leading up to an impending deadline can really wear you down!!

Or perhaps your kids have overlapping sports + after school programs that you are constantly running to & from…. and to & from.  Playing chauffeur & super mom 24/7 really just tuckers you out… right?!

During those times, lean in to this promise God gave Moses in Exodus 33:14:

The Lord replied, “I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest — everything will be fine for you.

mixed media Bible journaling entry by April Crosier | I Love Jesus & Naps -- Finding Rest in Him

Everything will be fine for you.

Yes + amen, friends! No matter how long our to do list is, no matter how many tasks are knocking on the door to our minds + hearts…. let’s remember to take time for rest.  Whether you have ten minutes to simply close your eyes & focus your breath or you’re able to sneak a couple of hours for a blessed Sunday afternoon nap, know that you’re taking care of yourself [aka a vessel for God’s work] & that your to do list will still be there when you open your eyes…. refreshed & energized in Him.

mixed media Bible journaling entry by April Crosier | I Love Jesus & Naps -- Finding Rest in Him



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additional supplies: Bow Washi from Big Picture Classes/Studio Calico

  1. Karen Quinn 7 years ago

    I love print n pray shop but I really honk they could afford to reduce the prices a little as they did with the monthly devotional kit. It’s not a physical product so there’s a LOT of clear profit after server space. I can’t justify too many purchases at the prices they ask. Beautiful set of brush strokes. It’s one downloadable page and they are asking $3.00! Really? I love Illustrated Faith but can’t afford most of it.

  2. Gabby DenHerder 7 years ago

    Which package of supplies did the “I love Jesus and naps” piece come from?

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