Being a Mother of two young daughters it has always been important to me that my children are not only rooted in their faith but that they also see me rooted and continued to bloom in my own faith. I believe that our children need to see us grow spiritually through our lives and my sharing those stories about how God is working through us that will help them to bloom as well. She blooms was inspired by the hope for myself and my two young girls, and I am so excited to share this collection with you as well!


…so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:17-19


For more information on the new She Blooms Collection, head on over to Bella Blvd’s blog for a chance to win it before you can buy it too.

  1. Laura Elliott 9 years ago

    Love the new collection! I purchased the other for my documented faith journal and just love it. Looking forwarding to the new collection.

  2. Dani Knox 9 years ago

    This is PRECIOUS!!! Bless your sweet mama heart!! (and you are ROCKIN the yellow my friend!! eek!) xoxox ????

  3. Chris Bolliter 9 years ago

    Such a beautiful collection! Love the inspiration you have included for raising Godly servants.

  4. Jenny Kozar 9 years ago

    Can i just say WOW! Bloom for sure, grow, share and represent Christ to our children and beyond is being a true disciple. Thank you for helping me continue to grow my faith.

  5. Leah B. 9 years ago

    Beautiful layout! I agree that our children have to see us grow so that they will grow in Christ! Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Brenda 9 years ago

    Ow my heart! <3 Shanna I'm so excited for this, these are all such beautiful products!! I need more patience! (: great job friend!

  7. Caitlin 9 years ago

    I can’t wait! Will you guys offer parts of this collection in the esty shop?

  8. Jeannie Trusty 9 years ago

    This might sound stupid-I am very new at Bible Journaling-but how did you put the letters in the Bible? Washi tape?

  9. Kylie 9 years ago

    Such a beautiful collection!
    Yes, will you be listing any of this collection in the etsy shop, and will you ship internationally? ;-)

  10. Selina 9 years ago

    I must say I’m very excited about this collection!! I love what you wrote to your daughter on the scrapbook LO. I pray the same for my daughters too. I believe as women (and future women) of Christ we can all reach our full potential in him and this is why I named my blog Full Bloom. I am passionate about helping women achieve this and I love to see other women doing this too. I see this with Illustrated Faith and I pray that God will draw more and more women back to him through you guys in 2016! Be encouraged! God is moving!!

  11. Cele Schaffer 8 years ago

    I want this collection so bad! It makes me so happy-just got my first journaling bible!

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