scrapbooking letters and scripture to Jess' daughter | Praise Book and Baby Scrapbook | Cinderella movie's quote "Have Courage and Be Kind"

Since Shanna’s first sneak peak of the Praise Book, I knew I wanted to use it to write letters to and prayers for my daughter. There are so many moments I want to bottle up for us to remember and it seems like every day I think of 572 new ways to pray for her. More than anything, I want her to know Jesus and to give her whole heart and life to following Him, everything else seems to stem from that. I know that as she grows up, I will be one of the biggest influences in her life (uh.. terrifying!), hopefully pointing her to Jesus and setting an example of what it means to walk with Him on a day to day basis.

scrapbooking letters and scripture to Jess' daughter | Praise Book and Baby Scrapbook | Cinderella movie's quote "Have Courage and Be Kind"

I just love how the mom in the new Cinderella movie teaches her daughter to always “have courage and be kind”. Courage and kindness seem to encompass so many aspects of life, especially when you think about what it looks like to walk with Christ daily. It takes so much courage to trust in Jesus daily and to follow Him with reckless abandon. Sometimes He asks us to take big, courageous leaps of faith, too. Jesus commands us to love others and to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth – which require both courage and kindness! There are so many ways that courage and kindness sum up lessons I want to teach my sweet Lucy girl as well as areas I want to grow in myself. I made these pages to write out a few of those ways and to write out some of the ways I pray for Lucy to learn these traits. 

scrapbooking letters and scripture to Jess' daughter | Praise Book and Baby Scrapbook | Cinderella movie's quote "Have Courage and Be Kind"

How have you been using your praise book? I love seeing all of the different ways the Illustrated Faith community gets creative! It’s so encouraging to try new things like painting the cover of the Praise Book. Can we just about how fun the colors are that you can make from the Illustrated Faith paints?! All the heart eyes! 

scrapbooking letters and scripture to Jess' daughter | Praise Book and Baby Scrapbook | Cinderella movie's quote "Have Courage and Be Kind"

I wasn’t big into the scrapbooking world before Illustrated Faith, so sometimes I feel a little lost in a pile of fun colorful stickers, printables and washi tape, anyone else with me there??? I’ve been learning to just pick a couple key pieces and go for it! For these pages, I really wanted to use some of the She Blooms stickers & the tabs from the Wild Love journal, the rest of the page came together around that. I’m learning to loosen up and just make it work with what I have! I ran out of “e”’s for the title so that E in “Be” is actually a 3! I’ve been known to make a “u” into an “n” too! Is that totally breaking the scrapbooking rules?! Shhh don’t tell!

scrapbooking letters and scripture to Jess' daughter | Praise Book and Baby Scrapbook | Cinderella movie's quote "Have Courage and Be Kind"

A lot of people have asked where I print my photos, but I don’t print them anywhere fancy! I actually just print them at home on cardstock and leave a little border when I cut them so they look fancier than they are! I load the photos into lightroom and print either 6 or 9 a page. They’re the perfect size that way! I also have taken to using an erasable pen to write out letters and prayers in the Praise Book. Anyone else notorious for totally misspelling words or even just leaving them out?? I totally am so using an erasable pen for the writing parts makes me more brave! 

scrapbooking letters and scripture to Jess' daughter | Praise Book and Baby Scrapbook | Cinderella movie's quote "Have Courage and Be Kind"

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  1. Krista Eitsert 9 years ago

    Oh my goodness. I absolutely love this! I love scrapbooking to capture memories but I never thought to make a prayer book for my daughter! I have to add this to my list of projects!

  2. Gina Lideros 9 years ago

    Jess, I just love how you painted the front of your praise binder. Your pages are so sweet.

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