Let me make this clear: I’m not a sports fan. Not even close. The closest thing I get to getting jazzed about competition is board game night or a marching band competition. Oh & I tend to yell at the TV when I watch Survivor. HA! But I know that 99.999% of the population has a sport or a team they’re CRAZY about. I’ve been around my uncles when they’re watching football or hockey & I know it gets heated. Anger when the ref makes an unfair call, sadness when the home team loses. But oh MAN– CHEERS when they pull out a victory! Hooping, hollering, hugging, & hopping up & down– the works! It comes easy to us; we flat out praise them for a big win.

When was the last time we had that same level of enthusiasm for the Lord? You probably can’t remember the last time you literally hooped & cheered for God with raised voice & hands in the air. Don’t get me wrong, same here! But I can tell you that the wins the Lord pulls out are WAY more impressive & monumental than any sports team can achieve. He absolutely deserves that level of enthusiasm from us & more!

I sat down to create this page with that mindset & had a plan to create a crazy elaborate page with lots of layers & glitter. But as I pulled out the supplies I realized that it’s pretty darn simple– our God is an AWESOME God! It’s right there in Scripture for us in black & white:

“The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty One who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing,” (Zephaniah 3:17 ESV).

His might & power are awe-inducing, but the concept is plain & simple. He’s the #1 Father through & through. Let’s give 3 cheers for that!

<3 Elaine


Illustrated Faith Homecoming Digital set by Taylor Rauschkolb | IF Date it rotary stamp | IF pen | Faber-Castell Big Brush Pen in #184 Dark Naples Ochre | Staz-On ink pad in Jet Black | Tom Holtz Distress Oxide in Peacock Feathers | Stampin’ Up Birthday Backgrounds stamp set | MAMBI Sticks borders | Felicity Jane Lola Chipboard Alpha


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