Between Christmas festivities yesterday I was thinking about Mary. Poor Mary. Righteous Mary. Favored Mary. Brave Mary. Hoooowwwwww did...
15 Minute Bible Journaling Challenge // Part 2
Elaine Davis, , Elaine Davis, Print & Pray Shop, Tips & Techniques, 15 minute challenge, bible journaling, Book of John, brave, faith journaling, Illustrated Faith, John, love, making time to journal, New Testament, 0After some unexpected trips to the doctor Wednesday & Thursday, I’m finally here with a follow-up to my 15...
Watercolor Tutorial | Leaning In – Seasoned with Salt
Amy Bruce, , Amy Bruce, Illustrated Faith, Tips & Techniques, amy bruce, art worship, Be Bold, Bella Boulevard, bible journaling, brave, faith journaling, i color in my bible, Illustrated Faith Bella Blvd Alpha Stickers, Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd, mixed media, No Fear, Salt Technique, Seasoned with Salt, Tutorial, watercolor, watercolors, 4Greetings Beloved Illustrated Faith Tribe! How often does God ask you to step out of your comfort zone and...
Fear, Dark Tunnels & Big Girl Pants
Elaine Davis, , Elaine Davis, autumn, brave, Brave & Strong, Deuteronomy, digital kit, digital set, Elaine Davis, fall, fear, Illustrated Faith, leaf, online class, online workshop, print & pray shop, strong, strong & courageous, 2I grew up in a town with an amusement park, which was pretty cool most of the time! My...
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