Word Nerd Bible Journaling Process Video by Jillian aka Hello Jillsky | Word | Deuteronomy 30:14

Hello fellow Word Nerds! Are you loving the Word Nerd kit this month?! It’s so fun to see all of your worksheets filled out! You’re sharing some great inspiration and intriguing word studiesĀ :)

I’ve got a quick Bible journaling process video for ya in Deuteronomy 30 (even though I started out in James. Again.) I was inspired by the “word” flashcard from Pink Paper Peppermints. How handy is it that all the cards included with the kit have a scripture reference for you? It’s very helpful if you’re unsure of a focus verse!

Word Nerd Bible Journaling Process Video by Jillian aka Hello Jillsky | Word | Deuteronomy 30:14

Armed with my word, I chose a focus verse, James 1:19-22:

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every personĀ be quick to hear,Ā slow to speak,Ā slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.Ā But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. (ESV)

I wanted to look closer at the “implanted word” mentioned in verse 21. Because later in verse 22 James instructs his readers to be doers of the word.

Word Nerd Bible Journaling Process Video by Jillian aka Hello Jillsky | Word | Deuteronomy 30:14


The word “word” used here isĀ logos, Greek for message, news or law. Specifically used here to refer to the message of the Gospel. And James says that it’s implanted, indicating it is close to us (Christians), in us.

When looking up cross references, my study Bible pointed me to Deuteronomy 30:14 (which was helpful because I have little room left to journal in James). Verse 14 says,

But the word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can do it. (ESV)

Again, we see the word (in this case Hebrew dabar used to speak of the commandments God has given) in the Israelites about to enter Canaan. So too are Christians to be doers of the implanted word, the message revealed from God in Christ.Ā Logos is to be preached, ministered and obeyed.

Word Nerd Bible Journaling Process Video by Jillian aka Hello Jillsky | Word | Deuteronomy 30:14

I had fun using the Word Nerd glasses from the Print & Pray Shop and a few Faber Castell PITT pens. I layered the glasses printed on sticker paper with others printed on card stock and stamped the glasses stamp included in the kit. Once I added my typed journaling I used the PITT pens to highlight the text, ink a stamp, customize a couple vellum crosses (used here as an x) and create art marks to finish off the page.

Word Nerd Bible Journaling Process Video by Jillian aka Hello Jillsky | Word | Deuteronomy 30:14

I love the freedom we have with Word Nerd to choose which words to study. AND, if you’re unsure of where to start, look to the cards included in the kit or to the amazing inspiration that can be found by following the #if_wordnerd tag. Happy studying! <3

additional supplies: StazOn jet black ink | Faber Castell PITT pens in 131, 132, 268 and 125 | Avery 8665 clear label paper


  1. Gloriamarie Amalfitano 5 years ago

    I am puzzled by this statement “The word ā€œwordā€ used here is logos, Greek for message, news or law.” While I certainly agree that “logos” means these things, unless you are referring to the Septuagint, Deuteronomy was written in Hebrew, so “logos” could not be in the Hebrew text which would be dabar. The word dabar (Hebrew: דÖøּבÖø×Ø) means “word”, “talk” or “thing” in Hebrew. Dabar occurs in various contexts in the Hebrew Bible.

    • Author
      Jillian Ungerbuehler 5 years ago

      Hello! Thanks so much for your comment! And you’re right. “Logos” is Greek, used in the verse I referenced above in James 1. I’m sorry I didn’t make it more clear in my post. When I started in James I didn’t have enough room for my journaling. When I looked to the cross references for the passage in James I noticed that “word” was used in a similar context in Deuteronomy, albeit in another language.

      Because of the context in which it’s used (God’s “word” in His people) I felt comfortable journaling in Deuteronomy and appreciated uncovering a new (Hebrew!) word to study. I was sure to include both words, their definitions and the cross reference back to James in my final project.

      I also enjoy highlighting the unity of God’s word and this was a great example showing how the Bible presents one unified message from beginning to end.

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