Hello Lovelies,

Have you ever sat down to do a bible entry and then felt called to something completely different than what you originally planned to journal about?  I sat down today and opened up to Proverbs 2.  I began painting the page where the scripture lay but I just wasn’t feeling the connection to the words today.  Then I remembered that I was still in my Bloom Devotional and opened up to Day 5.  The topic was Forgiveness and the scripture was for Isaiah 43:25, “I, I am He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.”  I reread it about 5 times.  Each time imagining I was hearing the words directly from the Lord himself.  “I {insert pause}, I am He {the one most high, the Alpha and Omega, the one true God} who blots out {removes completely, without any visible stain} your transgressions {no matter how terrible} for my own sake {because you matter enough to me for me to cancel your sins}, and I will NOT remember your sins {once I have absolved you, there will be ZERO memory of your past wrong doings and you will be clean}.  


I think pretty much everyone can agree with me that there are some shady things in your past that you’re not proud of.  I’m guilty of a grocery list of sins against God and yet, even when I was in the midst of my brokenness, I was forgiven and when I finally came to God and laid those sins at His feet, they were forgotten.  If those words are true then why do we still carry around those scars?  Why do we allow those memories to effect us every day?  That guilt is not of God, that guilt is of the sin still within us, the whispers of the liar keeping us rooted in pain and suffering.  Everything that came before the day that you accepted Jesus and began to live in his truth has been wiped clean.  It has been covered by the blood of Jesus and is no longer allowed to keep you bound in chains of sadness.  Lovelies, I ask that you would stand with me today and lay those burdens at the cross, accept that forgiveness and rejoice!!  We are free of everything in the past!!  God loves us enough to not only forgive but to forget, and not because we deserve it but because of his unending pure love for us!  


Genesis Kit

I pray you all have a wonderful weekend and that you allow what has happened in the past to stay there.  Break free from those chains today and allow God’s love to replace that hurt inside.  Trust me, I know that it’s easier said than done but who are we to deny forgiveness of God?!


Amanda Cabrera

1 Comment
  1. Lucinde | Lucilight 9 years ago

    Beautiful! A great reminder too :)

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