I am spending time in several Advent readings this year but I continue to adore the NapTime Diaries Make Room Advent Book.  I love Advent.  God is just waiting for us to spend time with Him.  His arms are open with gifts of renovation.  I want God to make over my heart.  I want to be more like Jesus this Christmas.

At the end of week one, Make Room Crystal Shine grabbed a hold of my spinning mind and reminded me to examine what I am holding on to.  Because as a daughter of the King, I need to be careful what I hold on to.  What I hold on to takes up space, precious space.

I need to make sure what I am holding on to is God’s choices for me and if they are not His purpose for me, I need to let go.  I need to Exhale.

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So what exactly do we need to Exhale?

Certainly, we need to let go of those things that God clearly tells us not to hold onto such as fear, unforgiveness, pride, frustration, and doubt just to name a few.  Those things take the place of truth in our hearts and minds.  They need to be called what they are and given into His hands.  After we let go, we need to overwrite those places with confidence, forgiveness, humility, peace, and trust.  We surely need to hold onto truth and Exhale lies and sin.

But that isn’t what Crystal Stine wrote about.  She wrote about letting go of things that are good to make room for things that are greater.  She writes,

When we let go of good things, we make room for great things.

Now there is a concept I will always need to work on.  It’s that darn Martha part of me that thinks if it needs to be done and it is good, aligning with His character, I should do it.  I should say yes.  Because we are called to serve and if there is need, as the body of Christ we should fulfill it, right?

Ummm…. no, wrong.

We each have purposes that He laid out for us since the beginning of time.  If we are using our energies and talents focused on things He has not asked us to do, how will we ever have the capacity to do what He really designed us to do?

But you say, there’s all these people I will let down.  Enter again, Martha who wants to please the people in her life, Martha feels responsible for the peace and wellbeing of those around her.  Well, quite frankly, their well being is God’s responsibility not ours.  We may play a part but the bottom line does not end with us.  God is always working and loves those around us more than we do.

And lastly what about the precious ones He has really chosen to do those good things we are doing, well they can’t exactly do them if we are taking their place can they?  Yikes!  We need to get out of the way!

Jesus challenged Simon, James, and John to choose the greater purpose in Luke 5 when He got in one of their fishing boats and told them, change of plans, this is good, but I have something greater for you to do. You are going to be fishers of men.

Jesus said to them…”Do not be afraid from now on you will be catching men.”  And when they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed Him. Luke 5:10-11

They Exhaled.

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We need to pray and ask God to be clear with us just like He was with Simon, James, and John in Luke 5.   We need to know what He wants us to hold onto, and then we need to be obedient and courageous, and… Exhale.

Yep, I will be working on this probably until I leave this earth.  But I am thankful for this Advent reminder and encouragement to walk out what is the greater.

Blessings, peace, and may God give you courage to Exhale,


ESV Leather Journaling BibleMake Room Advent Booklet (available in digital form only at this time)Liquitex Gel MediumIllustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Percision Pen | Pilot Fountain Pen with Black DeAtramentis Document Ink | Bella Blvd Faithful Tiny Text Letter StickersBella Blvd Black Tiny Text Letter Stickers | Watercolors

  1. Kylie 9 years ago

    I love your scripting and the message in this post… so beautiful and simple – both in your art style and advent message. (Did you date it Advent 2016? this made me smile. :-) )

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