For all my love of typography and word-art in my journaling bible I have yet to master the ability to do great calligraphy or any sort of fancy hand writing. I can print and I can scrawl. That’s about it. But I guess I haven’t needed to practice it because I own tonnes of letter stickers, and now lots of lovely scripted stamps too, so I often take the easy way out and use them to say what I want to say in my bible.

You see, currently my 5-month old seems to be limiting his naps to only an hour at a time which seems to fly by in an instant. I seem to only just sit down with my cup of coffee and get absorbed in the Word and then he’s awake again! So when it comes down to doing my journaling part of the devotion I sometimes need to make snap decisions and keep it rather simple…. And often it needs to be done whilst holding a baby. Seriously, that’s why some of this is quite wonky – not because I was trying to be artistic but rather because I was finishing it one handed! But I digress.


My point is this: make your journaling bible your own. Not every page needs to be an extended art project. It doesn’t need to be a detailed masterpiece or use 5 different mediums with drying time to take into account. If you’ve only got 10 minutes then it’s totally doable to stamp some stamps, stick on some stickers and scribble some notes. It’s 10 more minutes spent meditating on the Word that you might have missed if you had rejected it as ‘not enough time.’ I regularly remind myself that I don’t read the Word so I can make a pretty page. I make a pretty page in response to being in the Word. The focus is always about building my relationship with my Saviour and expressing my thoughts, emotions and worship back to Him.

Let’s not lose focus.


Illustrated Faith Worthy stamps featuring Soulscripts | Grace washi tape from Illustrated Faith Genesis collection by Bella BlvdAmy Tangerine letter stickersBlack Staz On InkWatercolors


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