Greetings Illustrated Faith Family!
I am in love with the new Illustrated Faith “Hungry” printables. They bring back memories of reading Eric Carle’s books to my kids when they were little and things were more simple. I miss those times — a change of a diaper, a soothing lavender bath at the end of the day, or a bag of goldfish and pretzels fixed a lot of things.
Right now our lives are moving at full speed and I can’t fix many of the situations around me. Trials seem to abound and I am fighting to find balance and keep my eyes on truth. It’s a time of trust and growth — a caterpillar stage for sure!
I am surviving by leaning into God’s Word every moment I can. By praising and speaking truth over what is seen and believing in the unseen. By praying for God to flood every circumstance and place with healing, faith, truth, and hope. Bible Journaling has been a refuge and a blessing to me. It’s a visual and creative form of worship that helps me focus on God’s Word and provides a continual reminder that He is in control and He always has victory.
I loved the “your beautiful word” card in the “Hungry” printables. I thought it was perfect to illustrate my focus on His Word over what I see daily. Psalm 119:108 reads “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Oh how I am trusting in this!
Here’s a bit of my process.
Washi tape. Ummmm…. how can anyone live without it? I grabbed a wide roll from my stash that I have had forever and covered the left margin. You could easily stack different colors of washi tape in pattern if you don’t have any wide tape available or use scrapbook paper as a background.
Next, I grabbed the printables and my trusty paper cutter. I like to cut all the cards apart at once and then keep them in a tray near where I create.
I decided I wanted to see the washi tape on either side of the card, so I trimmed the card on both sides to make it narrow. I am a bit obsessed with scallops right now, so instead of throwing the scraps away, I cut out a scallop design on one side. I added “is a lamp” to the card using the Illustrated Faith Homespun alpha stickers.
I used glue to adhere the scallops and card to the page and I highlighted the scripture with my Faber Castell Big Brush pens.
Finishing touches were a few Illustrated Faith Bella Blvd olive enamel hearts and an Elaine Davis epoxy dot paper clip on the top with the word “praise” to remind me how key praise is in keeping my heart aligned.
God is always working my friends. His Word is our lamp to our feet and light to our path. Trusting in Him.
ESV Leather Journaling Bible | Illustrated Faith Print Pray Paste – Hungry | Illustrated Faith Bella Blvd Enamel Hearts – Olive You Mix | Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pen Big Brush – Dark Naples Ochre #184, Light Green #171
, Pink Madder Lake #129
| Illustrated Faith Bella Blvd Homespun Letter Stickers – Black Eyed Pea | Ranger Multi Medium Matte Glue
| Epoxy Dots
| 1″ Circle Punch
| Washi Tape
Amy, thanks for sharing! What a beautiful page! Blessings to you, Mandy
Mandy – thank you for leaving a sweet note! Hugs back to you!!!
Beautiful! And none of us can live without washi tape. ;)
Agreed. Washi tape is a little joy in life.
Amy! That is amazing. I’ve not yet been introduced to the wide roll washi! I see this in my future! :) Thanks for sharing your words and your worship art!
Blessings Wendy for your encouraging words! Yes, I love the wide washi for so many projects.
I love this Amy! Simple and looks like something I could do. Thanks for the inspiration!
Robin –
You can do all things through Christ — stretch, create, have fun worshiping with art — and blessings for your encouraging words! Hugs, amy
@amy-bruce I would have never guessed that was washi tape! Your creativity never ceases to amaze me–your eye for beauty in everything is a true gift. I am so glad you are being buoyed by the Word in this season. Hold on my friend–God is indeed in control and you are in the right place at the right time. Thank you for continuing to share your gift with us. I have a refuge in Bible journaling as well and it is largely because of you! Hugs and love!
Beloved Monica —
You just rock sister, just rock, rock, rock.
Love ya,