Hello! Bekah here, sharing a page from my journey through the Make It Count devo. I have loved this particular devotional because serving others is something that I long to do but often flub up. I try really hard to be who I think people need me to be, and that’s exhausting work! I’m learning that God doesn’t desire my effort near as much as He desires my heart. That’s where today’s entry picks up and it’s so timely for me. The writer challenges us to use our resources, time, and talents that we were given in the way that God asks us too. That seems so simple, but here’s the tricky part. She reminds us to do that “without reservation and without over-thinking it.” Friends, I am a professional over-thinker. It is quite possibly both my most endearing and most annoying personality trait. So I hear the Lord loud and clear. I have to stop, and just honor Him with my heart for giving. He gave me these gifts for a reason and He is thrilled to watch me use them the way He intended. I hope today finds you comfortable in your skin, and gracefully stretched beyond what you thought possible in the way that you serve. God is so faithful in that.

In today’s devo, there was a prompt that encouraged us to use the script as a tracing prompt, so I did! I just faked a few extra words to “match” as best I could. Then I used the coordinating stamp kit for some whimsical hearts. Then stickers- I head for the type print stickers pretty often, his glorious color is my fave. As always, I finish out the page with a few dabs of watercolors and splatters and scribbles.

Confession: I was almost completely finished when I realized I painted all of this on the wrong page- right chapter, but wrong verse. The irony isn’t lost on me. I took a moment to giggle with Jesus and let the truth soak deep. It’s not about what I do, but the heart behind why I do it.


Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd precision pen .35 | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd bible matIllustrated Faith by Bella Blvd typed Oh My HeavensIllustrated Faith Make It Count devo and stamp setPelikan watercolors | ESV Single Column Journaling Bible

1 Comment
  1. Amy 9 years ago

    With you sister and I love that it’s not on the “right” page. It will always serve as that extra layer of the journey❤️

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