Natalie Elphinstone illustrating your faith your own way

One of the things I love most about this Illustrated Faith movement is seeing how different people ‘do it’. There are soooo many different styles out there! Some are mixed media masterpieces, some are based around calligraphy or illustrations, some are journal entries and some are covered in paper and stickers. Each of these are amazing in their own way, and what’s most amazing is that it’s been poured out of that person as an act of worship. I admit that sometimes when I sit down with my journaling Bible I have to fight the urge to ‘do it just like Shanna did’ (or Janel, or Ashley, or whoever did the page I’m just admiring). Whilst that might be an interesting creative adventure I’m pretty sure God didn’t ask me to worship Him just by imitating someone else.

Natalie Elphinstone illustrating your faith your own way

As I read through the Worship devotional I’m reminded that loving God is our first command. Mark 12:30 says “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength”. Did you notice how many times Jesus used the word ‘your’? He said to do it with your heart, and your soul etc, not with anyone else’s.

So when I sat down to illustrate this verse I made a conscious effort to ‘do it my way’ without thinking about what the end result would look like. The focus was on God and His word, and for me the natural outpouring of that really is to focus on the word itself. That means I grab an alpha stamp and my pen and I simply write out the verse in it’s entirety. Stripped back, no decoration really to speak of, it’s all about the word. All I can think about during the process is the word, and all my energy goes into knowing the word. Ultimately when you look at this page what do you see? That’s right…. the word!

Natalie Elphinstone illustrating your faith your own way

How will you illustrate your faith today?




Illustrated Faith Worship Culture Devotional | Homespun Alpha Stamp by Becky NovacekIllustrated Faith Fold It Tabs by Bella BlvdIllustrated Faith Typed Oh My Heavens by Bella BlvdStudio Calico Color Theory Inks

  1. Dietra 10 years ago

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. This is so true. We get caught up in the stuff and forget the word sometimes. I needed to refocus. Thank you

    • Author
      Natalie Elphinstone 10 years ago

      It’s very easy to do isn’t it? I remind myself regularly that it’s not about the art, it’s not about the products, it’s not about the style…. it’s all about worshipping the one true God in the way that He has uniquely equipped each of us to do.

  2. debi 10 years ago

    Natalie, I love the way you used the alpha stamps to simply illustrate the word.

  3. Regina Ellison 10 years ago

    Absolutely love this: “I’m pretty sure God didn’t ask me to worship Him just by imitating someone else.” So true not only in bible journaling but I can find myself comparing myself with others in the worship choir at church too. Great reminder that we are called to worship God with OUR whole being, not as someone else. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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