Monday means another wonderful guest for you today!! I first met Taniesa in person when I was teaching a class at Scrapbook Territory in Berkeley. She was SUPER informative, amazingly organized and one of the most generous people you will ever meet! I couldn’t wait to have her share a bit about her process with you today!

You can find Taniesa at the Crafty Pickle 

Hi Crafty Friends! When Shanna asked me to share my journaling bible with you all I was honored (and a little nervous because I just started). I grew up thinking that you weren’t supposed to write in your bible. Not that anyone told me that, I just assumed because I never saw anyone do it before. To be completely honest I have very rarely picked up my bible in a long time. Now, I find myself wanting to dive into my bible several times throughout the day and the word really stays with me more than it did before. Using my creativity and my love for Jesus has really made this something very special to me. Today I am sharing pages on being Thankful. Being thankful when everything is going just right is easy (for me) but it was the being thankful with times were really very hard that I had to learn. My husband was out of a job for almost a year; our marriage was rocky not to mention the 5 kids that we were raising were hard at times. We started going to church and I started thanking the lord for EVERYTHING even the hardship we were finding ourselves in, because though that I knew that he had a plan (and he definitely did). By having a thankful heart though the rough times we stop focusing on ourselves and focusing on the only one who is really in control and TRUSTING in him. My prayer for all of you today is that you have a heart full of thanksgiving not just this month but 365 days a year. In addition to a few pictures that I will post here, I thought I would share a little video talking about a couple of my pages and what I used. Colossians 3:17 For this page I used some die cuts out of watercolor paper, colored with distress ink and water accented with some gold paint. The sequins are some from the autumn mix in my etsy shop and just glued on with a little bit of glossy accents. I added a transparency page for the final touch. I printed the verse on the portion covering the text and the “Be Thankful” over the journaling column. In the video I show how to attach the transparency in the bible. There is also a thin strip of gold washi tape covering the glue in the center; you could easily skip this step because the glue really isn’t noticeable.

  Illustrated Faith: Bible journaling 1

Thessalonians 5:16-18 For this page I did a lot of stamping, I used the hopscotch alphabet from Close To My Heart and some stamps designed by Shanna for Butterfly Reflections Ink. I stamped everything in a permanent dye ink because I knew I would be doing some water coloring. To add color to the page I used the Neocolor II crayons. I added touches of glitter with my wink of stella pen (hard to see in the photo) It is also what I use over the verse(s) that I journaled about.

  Illustrated Faith: Bible journaling

Here is a video sharing a bit more info.

 Thank you so much Taniesa!!!! Your pages are BRILLIANT and I can’t wait to put some of your techniques to work in my own pages! Taniesa is sweet enough to offer a little giveaway for you all today! She wants to give ONE lucky reader a notetakers bible! Please leave a comment below telling us something YOU are THANKFUL for?! Taniesa will pick a winner Friday, good luck!!


  1. Funky Finds 10 years ago

    what a generous giveaway! my list of things i’m thankful for is so long, but at the top is my faith in God & ability to worship him freely. with all the chaos going on around the globe, it’s definitely something to really be mindful of & thankful for that we can freely worship Jesus Christ in America!

  2. carrie 10 years ago

    Thank you for sharing your talent and your faith in such a beautiful way. First and always I am thankful for my God and His gift of Salvation. I have been blessed with an awesome husband and two precious kids. For them I will be eternally thankful. Now off to Amazon to pick up my own journal Bible. I am inspired, thank you. ( please do not add my name to the drawing, I am buying one today )

  3. Meg 10 years ago

    I love the idea of showing us a video of your bible! I’m so thankful for a husband who desires to teach our boys through God’s Word. We saw an idea to get a journaling bible and write in it over the 18 years we have with them here, and give it to them on graduation day before they go off to college. He’d LOVE this NIV version to write in for them!!!

  4. Elaine Clark 10 years ago

    I am so grateful for this new community I have just discovered. I am grateful for my faith. My 14 year old daughter’s very good friend was diagnosed a little over a week ago with leukemia. It’s been a whirlwind for their (believing) family but in the last 10 days with further testing, they have discovered that God has performed a miracle and there is no sign of the tumor they did an initial biopsy on or the leukemia they just tested for. I am grateful that God still performs miracles and that my children have seen it with their own eyes!

  5. Stacey Vadaj 10 years ago

    thanks for the tutorial for the inserts..that’s a great idea for any kind of journaling. Oh and i’m thankful in general for all that life is.

  6. Kandi 10 years ago

    My first thought was to say I am Thankful for Shanna and the amazing adventure she is taking us all on. And although that is VERY true, I have to say I am Thankful for something else. I am Thankful for all the amazing “invisible friends” I am making through Facebook, through the JBC group and also through a couple of support groups for my Autoimmune Arthritis. Between these groups, I am finding so much HOPE and JOY. I am really struggling with my health these days and being limited in what I can do, I am Thankful I can turn to these friends for Inspiration.

    I haven’t started a journaling Bible yet….I have to wait for Christmas to get a Bible. I Have been using various notebooks and am LOVING this new found Relationship with God.

    <3 Kandi

  7. Prayer Warrior 10 years ago

    Thanks for sharing your faith and your talent! I love it! I am thankful for so much!! First..God! And then my wonderful, sweet husband of almost 28 years! And our 3 amazing kids!

  8. Karen Beldon 10 years ago

    Your pages are lovely! Thanks for your honesty sharing that it takes time to learn to be thankful even during hard times…this helps remind me to give myself grace in that it’s a process. :) I’m thankful for my family, our health, and my husband’s job!

  9. Crissie Clark Woolard 10 years ago

    I am thankful for God’s unconditional love. I am thankful for my family and friends. I’m also thankful to be healthy and employed full-time.

  10. Tash Daly 10 years ago

    I thanks so much for such an amazing giveaway. As a newbie, this would be totally awesome so thanks for the chance. As for your question, I am so thankful for the constant everyday reminders of God’s love and presence. Be it in the smile of a stranger when needed most or the giggles of my children, the wonder in my newborns eyes and the playfulness of my animals, the beauty of nature that surrounds us and the surprising visits from all of God’s little creatures, most especially by being blessed with all my family, friends, health and for our wonderful creative community through whom God’s loving, generous and giving nature radiates each and everyday. Wishing you and your family and joyous and safe festive season.

  11. Judy Dudley 10 years ago

    I am so thankful to God that He brought me to this wonderful group and is leading me further into His Word as I jump inot this adventure of Bible journaling. Thank you for the chance to win!

  12. Dawn LL 10 years ago

    I am thankful for all the talented people that are so willing to share their talent with so many of us. I have gotten so much inspiration and am losing some of my fears about this journey. Thanks so much for sharing Taniesha

  13. Anneke 10 years ago

    I am thankful for God’s Word! It’s amazing, beautiful and living!

  14. Meredith 10 years ago

    So thankful for beautiful inspiration to study and reflect on scripture!

  15. thecupcakecaravan 10 years ago

    This video was so helpful and inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing. I’m thankful that God accepts me the way that I am and that I don’t have to fix myself or understand everything about life before I can approach Him and receive His grace.

  16. Minke 10 years ago

    I’m very very thankfull for my son. When he was born it was critical and we had to have a C-section becauce he didn’t react good on the labor. His second name is Joshua what means God saves and he really did that with my baby I believe.

  17. Robin Chiang 10 years ago

    I am so thankful for the opportunity to share the love of Jesus with my 4th grade students each day. I am blessed to work in a Christian school. I can’t imagine teaching without sharing a Christian world view to my students.

  18. Rachel 10 years ago

    I am so thankful that I get to be a stay at home mom. It is allowing me to homeschool my oldest this year for the first time, take more time with my middle kiddo and his teachers (he is special needs), and my littlest just learned to walk-and I got to see the whole process-so amazing. :)

  19. Alissa 10 years ago

    Thankful for a wonderful job getting to work with children and share God with them! Children’s Ministry ROCKS!!!

  20. pickles99 10 years ago

    So thankful for women who love the Lord and who are so willing to share their Illustrated Faith! Such a comfort!

  21. Ashley Horton 10 years ago

    Beautiful pages Taniesa!! Thanks for sharing!!

  22. marineparents 10 years ago

    this is lovely, taniesa! thank you so much for sharing your journaling & faith!

  23. Karen Hunter 10 years ago

    Such inspiration here! I can’t wait to get started. I’m thankful especially for my family – my husband and daughter.

  24. Courtney Zadik 10 years ago

    Love all the “Illustrated Faith” inspo….I am thankful for YOU because I feel like I have been more “into” my Bible since joining the Journaling Bible community!

  25. Cindy 10 years ago

    I am a note taker of our church sermons and Sunday School hour, as well as journaling through the bible but seeing your inspirational notes makes me want to take mine up a notch. Love all your creative ideas.

  26. Tela Holcomb 10 years ago

    I love the transparency idea! Beautiful pages!

  27. Yolanda 10 years ago

    Thankful for our friends at home who are praying for us in our new city. God is so good!

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