As the Director of the Illustrated Faith Print & Pray Shop, I’m constantly trying to come up with fun ways to use our digital products for our faith journeys! It’s SO fun to dream up with new projects where you can literally print the supplies yourself! Today I’m showing you something FUN & easy that you can use for a bunch of different purposes: Dry Erase Scripture Cards! You don’t even need much for this project!
- Heart Like Jesus digital set by Brianna Showalter or similar card printable
- paper trimmer or scissors
- tape runner
- laminating pouches & a personal laminator OR self-adhesive laminating pouches
- dry erase marker
Print the traveler’s notebook journal cards from the Heart Like Jesus digital set “2-Up” on a page. This means it will print 2 of the pages on one sheet of paper like shown above. If you print at a print shop, they will definitely know what 2-Up means. :) What this does is scale down the cards for you to make them a cute little pocket size!
Since you’re going to be laminating these, the thinner the better. So I printed these files on regular 20# copy paper in color.
Cut out the cards with a paper trimmer or scissors & put a small amount of adhesive on the back of one of your cards with the tape runner. Press 2 of the cards together back-to-back. This will make your card double-sided & reversible.
Sandwich your cards inside a laminating pouch & feed it through your personal laminator. Make sure to leave enough room in between your cards to cut them apart. There are 2 other ways you can achieve your lamination. You can take it to a print shop like the Office Depot print department & they will laminate it for you for a small fee. You can also get self-adhesive laminating pouches from your office supply store which don’t require a laminator!
Cut out your laminated cards leaving a border around the edge in order for the lamination to remain sealed.
Clip or washi this teeny tiny dry erase board into your planner, on your refrigerator, bathroom mirror, your cubicle at work– the sky is the limit! You can write scriptures on them, personal reminders to check your heart, prayer requests, and more. :)
I bought these mini dry erase markers in a pack of 4 at the dollar store & they have little erasers built right into the caps. :)
You can use any card printables to create this project. Having a blank space in the design to write is really the only requirement! I clipped mine onto the dashboard of my traveler’s notebook so that I see it every time I open it!
If you decide to create these incredibly easy & super adorable dry erase cards, please tag it with #illustratedfaith & #printprayshop ! We would love to see what you’re creating to immerse yourself in scripture!
Have a super sweet day!
<3 Elaine
Illustrated Faith Heart Like Jesus digital set by Brianna Showalter | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd tape runner | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Designer Clips | Swingline 5mil laminating pouches | Swingline personal laminator
| mini dry erase markers