mixed media hybrid handlettering Bible journaling page by Tawni Satller | 1 Corinthians 2

Hey, Friends!

I don’t know about you, but I really love to learn! I especially love to discover new ways of creating things, new ways of thinking, and I enjoy problem-solving. As someone who lives in my head most of the time, and as someone who does love to learn and is constantly trying to come up with creative solutions to problems, some may assume I also really love theology. Well, I’m sorry, but I don’t.

Don’t get me wrong — I do understand the benefits and importance of Christian theology, and I think it’s an exciting and healthy subject of discussion under the right circumstances, but it makes me really sad when I sometimes witness what appears to be the turn of theology from a study into a form of religion. I’ve seen theology — and more specifically, ideas, or the pursuit of knowledge and definite answers — become a thing that is worshipped instead of worshiping Christ himself.

I’m not here to start any debates, though. I’m only stating what I’ve experienced, and want to share with you what God put on my heart recently as I read through 1 Corinthians 2.

1Corinthains 2 - The Mind of Christ - bible journaling - mixed media - hand lettering - faith scrapbooking - bible art

I can’t remember what it was, exactly, that brought me to 1 Corinthians 2. I think my husband and I may have been discussing Christian theology, and I Googled something, and a bible verse came up, and then around-and-around I went until I landed on this chapter. I read the full chapter in my study bible, and there was a wealth of great insight and quotes there in the commentary. I found myself nodding along and shouting internal “YES! AMEN!”s with each sentence. While I’d love to quote everything from the commentary, I’ve chosen just a few of my favorite points to share with you!

The Corinthians appear to have been fickle people — easily distracted by the latest false philosophy. Although Paul had a great mind and could debate well, he realized that to present the gospel as an intellectual treatise would be to glorify himself — not Christ.
Charles F Stanley Life Principles Bible re: 1 Cor. 2:2


Although we should organize our thoughts about our faith and be able to explain it effectively to anyone who might ask (1 Pet. 3:15), we must remember that the power of the gospel comes not in our careful explanations but in the mighty resurrection of Christ and His power to draw people to Himself (John 6:44; 12:32).
Charles F Stanley Life Principles Bible re: 1 Cor. 2:4,5


In Jeremiah 33:3, God said, “Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” There are things hidden to us because of our limited human perspective. However, everything is known to the Lord, and He has given us the privilege of knowing His mind.
Charles F Stanley Life Principles Bible re: 1 Cor. 2:16

1Corinthains 2 - The Mind of Christ - bible journaling - mixed media - hand lettering - faith scrapbooking - bible art

Friends, I’m not saying that ignorance is bliss, nor am I encouraging you to throw away any pursuit of knowledge. I just want to gently suggest to you that knowledge is not power. Some answers are just not to be had, and I believe it’s best for our mental, emotional, and spiritual health to accept that fact.

That being said though, I also believe that God wants us to comprehend the truth and that He wants us to understand His Word. So my theory (wink, wink) is that when it’s time for you to fully comprehend and know the truth about something, it will be revealed to you. Whether it’s revealed through your studies, discussions, and healthy debates; through the sermon you heard last Sunday, a podcast episode, or a thought from a friend; or through quiet time with God, a devotional, or your current bible study, when it’s time to know, you will know.

So yes, keep pursuing knowledge! Keep learning, discovering, re-thinking, problem-solving, and growing! It’s important that you do so, and it’s fun! Just please, please, don’t replace the desire for higher knowledge with the Truth of Christ, which you already know in your heart. And if you’re having trouble believing without proof, this is my suggestion to you: more faith will provide more answers.


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  1. Stephanie Thorpe 9 years ago

    Yes! Bible knowledge is great but it’s not the be all end all. Not to mention, it’s really hard to be humble when you know everything.

  2. Tracie 9 years ago

    Loved this! Thanks so much for making the effort to share.

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