hybrid mixed media art journaling Bible entry by Elaine Davis

Have you ever been creating a page in your Bible & you just make a huge ugly mistake? You put the paint on your paint card, drag it across the page & realize You’ve completely covered up your scripture or you’ve journaled on the wrong page, or your watercolors run into the crack in the spine? Or a million other artistic mistakes that could (& HAVE) occur. It used to bother me. And it still does a LITTLE bit. But I’ve learned that there’s no mistake in Bible Journaling you can’t fix. You can always put a sticker over it or add a tip-in or make that paint splotch into a flower. You can fix it because we all make mistakes, right? Except God. God makes no mistakes. Deuteronomy 32:3-4 tells us that:

“For I will proclaim the name of the Lord; ascribe greatness to our God! ‘The Rock, His work is perfect, for all His ways are justice. A God of faithfulness & without iniquity, just & upright He is,'” (ESV).

hybrid mixed media art journaling Bible entry by Elaine Davis

That sounds SUPER scary & intimidating– being a creation of the Big Guy that makes no mistakes. He didn’t create you & think “Oops! I cracked the mold! Oh well, I’ll put a sticker on it.”  No. He formed every cell in your being on purpose. WHOA.

hybrid mixed media art journaling Bible entry by Elaine Davis

I’ve been blogging a lot lately about confidence & knowing that who you are is enough. The theme from the Better Together September products was Beautiful Mess, and BOY are we! I have such a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that every imperfection in me was intentional. The Lord sets out to create something & ends with what He sees as a perfect project every time. :)

hybrid mixed media art journaling Bible entry by Elaine Davis

As our inevitable self-deprecating thoughts creep up, it’s important for us to remember that we’re not some lump of clay needing to be “fixed.” We are already the perfect version of ourselves that He set out to make. He saw down the road long ago & knew that we would come to this questioning point in our lives. Knew we would feel broken & useless. And He knew we would cry out to Him for answers. But all of that was no mistake of His… because His projects come out Pinterest-worthy every. Single. Time.

<3 Elaine

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Illustrated Faith Best Mess Journal Kit digital set by Elaine Davis | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Shanna’s Favorites Paint SetIllustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Bright & Brave Fundamentals StickersIllustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Bright & Brave tabbiesIllustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Date It stamp | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Paint It Cards | Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd pen | American Craft Remarks sticker alphas | Love, Elsie heart stamp | Staz-On ink in Jet Black | white card stock


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