It’s finally December!!! I would shout it from the mountaintops if I had any mountains near my apartment. So I’ll just shout it from my balcony instead. ;)

I come bearing tidings of great awesomeness today & EVERY day leading up to Christmas! Because this community is SUCH a massive blessing & we love each & every one of you, Shanna & I have teamed up on a secret project as a special Christmas treat for you all. Starting today & until December 25, there will be a free download EVERY SINGLE DAY! Yaaaaayyyyyy! These downloads are everything from cut-aparts to journal cards and spoiler alert: they’re all super cute.

You can find the 25 Days of Christmas daily freebies through our Illustrated Faith newsletter. So if you’re not signed up, what are you waiting for!? You can enroll in our email newsletter by scrolling to the bottom of the Illustrated Faith home page & submitting your information in the fields provided.

To prove the cuteness, here’s a peek at today’s download for Day 1!


Download 25 Days of Christmas Day 1

Each Saturday in December I’ll be posting a weekly round-up post of all the freebies from the week right here on the blog. So if you miss one, check back on Saturday!

Love to you all & have a HAPPY DECEMBER!

<3 Elaine

  1. Cloudy 8 years ago

    Yay! Thank you. Love the printables:)

  2. Trisha Burnham Sullivan 8 years ago

    Thanks for the printable files! I use card-stock in my office color printer and they look GREAT! I will also use the 25 Days of Christmas in my Dec. Daily. Illustrated Faith has been such a blessing in my life as well as my witness. I will be giving a class to the ladies in my office as well as their children. I am hoping they can take the knowledge to their church and friends.

  3. Mollie Dirig 8 years ago

    Hooray! And thank you!!

  4. Robin Marshall Clark 8 years ago

    This is so awesomely sweet of you all! This bible journaling community loves you right back!

  5. Wanda Colangelo 8 years ago

    Such a lovely thing to do……thank you and Merry Christmas IF

  6. BrendaKay 8 years ago

    Thank you for the free printables. What a blessing!

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