I thought it would be fun to show you a few of my favorite 5 Illustrated Faith products and explain a little bit about how each one is helping me in my faith-crafting journey. So without further ado, here is my top 5:


1. Wordfetti stickers

I use a lot of stickers for my bible journaling and while I do love letter stickers, I think the Wordfetti stickers are my favourites as they save me a lot of time by being able to stick down a whole word in one go, rather than having to do each letter sticker individually! I also love that sometimes when I look through the words, I’ll get a flash of inspiration for a particular bible entry that I can base around one or two of the words on the sticker sheet. I also love that they come in such neutral colours as it means I can pretty much use them on any page, regardless of the colour scheme!

Stephanie Baxter | Illustrated Your Faith Outside Your Bible | Worship Mini Album | Scrapbook

2. Get It Together pouch

I often want to take my bible and supplies with me out of the house and this Get It Together pouch is perfect for this. It can hold so many items, including my bible, but it’s small enough for me to slip inside my bag. I keep wanting to go and do some bible journaling at a coffee shop or something in the hope that it might spark a conversation with somebody so I’ll definitely be taking all my stuff in this if I do! I could even give it away to somebody that I talk to about Illustrated Faith…how fun would that be?!


3. Pen

There’s not too much to say about this pen other than: I love it! It’s so smooth and doesn’t bleed or feather on the pages of my bible. It’s also a real, true black, which I love in a journaling pen! It’s my favourite pen for writing in my bible, for sure!

Stephanie Baxter | God Is Not Helpless Among The Ruins | Illustrated Faith Genesis Kit by Bella Blvd

4. Love It stickers

Anything with hearts on is always going to be a winner in my book but I especially love these because when I look at them among my other Illustrated Faith goodies, I’m always reminded how much God loves me. And in a way, that prepares my heart for diving into His word and creating something as a response to God’s love for me.


5. Books of the Bible Little Bits

I LOVE these little stickers for referencing passages of scripture outside of my bible (e.g. in my prayer journal). My knowledge of scripture isn’t that great so I love having a product that actually helps me learn God’s word off by heart by making it fun to reference! I can definitely see myself using a ton of these!


What are your favorite Illustrated Faith products and how have you been using them?

  1. Kristyn 9 years ago

    That is such a great idea for the little bits stickers! I didn’t even think about using them outside my bible, but now I think I’m going to incorporate them into my planner somehow!

  2. christine 9 years ago

    These posts are so encouraging. I’m new to this and am so encouraged on different ways/ideas. Simple, yet effective. Creative, yet fun!

  3. Stephanie 9 years ago

    What bible are you using ?

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