Hey friends! Suse Fish with you today and I’m so happy to be here to share a page from my Bible with you. Like you guys, I’m very much into this faith illustrating thing – I mean, how cool is it to be able to take two of the most life-giving things in our lives and combine them? It’s pretty special.


If you know me and my work, you’ll know that I don’t stray too far from my beloved colour palette of pretty pastels and black and white. I know my Bible looks like it should belong to a 12 year old girl and not a 43 year old woman, but you know what I keep telling myself? This is who God made me and I suspect He loves nothing more than me being thoroughly me!

I like to start my Bible journalling times by putting some gentle music on, then settling down with a coffee and my notebook and pen. I also keep my prayer tag book handy – each tag has a person’s initials on it and some scribbled details of things to pray for for them on the back. It’s a good reminder to quietly bring them before God once I’ve finished my page.


The verse I wanted to think about today is in Psalm 103:

“As parents feel for their children, God feels for those who fear Him.” (The Message)

I started by thinking about how crazy-passionate I feel about my daughter, how I would do anything for her, how the amount of love I have for her has shocked me and quite honestly, knocked me off my feet.


And that’s how God feels about us. Hard to get our heads around, isn’t it? We’re so incredibly loved.

So I started by scribbling a little pencil drawing of a parent cradling a child gently in their arms and moved on to embellishing from there.


Now I’ve not quite got the hang of using wet media in my Bible yet – but I will keep practising! So for now, I’m happy adding in extra pages like this pretty bag and then layering up stickers and tags to make things look sweet. For me, it doesn’t matter too much what I’m sticking into my pages; I think the important part for me is the joy of the process and knowing that God delights in spending time with me and seeing my enjoyment.


I guess eventually this book will become rather chunky, but I’m not too worried about that now. There’s far too much fun to be had!
Thank you so much for having me today, guys.
all products are from various Felicity Jane subscription kits
  1. Amanda Neese Redmon 8 years ago

    This is too cute!

  2. Amanda L 8 years ago

    So pretty! I love mauve and blue ? Any tips on recovering your Bible?

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