​If I had to tell you all of the ways that my life has been blessed by Illustrated Faith, I would be here all day.  Seriously.  This movement and community are such a big part of my life and with that my spirit has been enriched.  The most recent blessing has been the opportunity to create a stamp set for Illustrated Faith.  The Adoption Rocks stamp set was created with my love for adoption in mind.


The Bible tells us that we have all received the spirit of Adoption and that we have all become heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven through adoption as well.  I, obviously, have another personal connection to adoption as well.  Adoption was something that I felt called to at a very early age.  For me, adoption was never a “second choice” it was the only choice.  I wanted to share with you all a video testimony that my husband and I put together for Adoption Sunday a few years ago.  This video illustrates all of the beautiful and wonderful things that God showed us through our adoption of our daughter Amelia.

Our little family is ready to embark on another journey of adoption. Amelia is so ready to be a big sister.  When Shanna told me that she was going to use this stamp set as a fundraiser as well, it brought tears to my eyes.  You guys, we are so blessed.  I love seeing how God works through adoption.


A big thank you to everyone who has already purchased a stamp set.  You are now a part of our little story.  Thank you for allowing God to knit our lives together in this special way.  Here are a couple of pages that I did in my Bible using the Adoption Rocks stamp set.

Here is a little list that I put together with some of my favorite verses on Adoption:


  1. Marcia 10 years ago

    BEST VIDEO EVER! Thank you for sharing this Janel! Blessings to you and your sweet family!

  2. Laura 10 years ago

    Such a beautiful story of God knitting this sweet family together. I cannot wait to see how He is going to move to bring them their next sweet little one!

  3. edy 10 years ago

    LOVED IT!!!! Such a great “be real” video and your Cardinal fans as well…..Congrats and she is a real cutie……Thanks for sharing!

  4. mmmamshfe 9 years ago

    How might I buy this set?

    • Mollie Dirig 9 years ago

      Hi, Misty. It looks like the stamp set was sold only on etsy. Maybe they’ll bring it back now that they’re with dayspring..? God bless.

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