Print and Pray Bible Journaling Process Video by Jillian aka Hello Jillsky using digital printables | Philippians 1:2

Hiya, friend! Today I’ve got a brand new bible journaling process video for ya using the new Print & Pray set “Surrendered and Set Free” by Brave Little Taylor. I found inspiration for today’s post in her journal card set. I’ve seen and heard the phrase “to live is Christ” on coffee mugs and all over the radio and thought, today is the day I’ll read this passage to see what it’s about! Perhaps you’ve heard of this verse penned by Paul while imprisoned in Rome,

“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:2

Print and Pray Bible Journaling Process Video by Jillian aka Hello Jillsky using digital printables | Philippians 1:2

Using some context clues from surrounding verses and a couple study tools, I came to learn that (since his conversion) Paul’s aim in everything he did was to point others to Jesus Christ. He proclaimed the Gospel, imitated Christ and was willing to give up anything that would come between him and Jesus. Paul single-mindedly followed Jesus.

Print and Pray Bible Journaling Process Video by Jillian aka Hello Jillsky using digital printables | Philippians 1:2

I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a pretty tall order to me. And after reading this chapter of Philippians I began to wonder, does everything in my life point to Jesus? My answer-“no”. For instance, I am not shining very brightly when I lose my patience with my toddler for asking “why?” for the millionth time that day. But I am super thankful for God’s grace in those human moments!

Print and Pray Bible Journaling Process Video by Jillian aka Hello Jillsky using digital printables | Philippians 1:2

A wonderful benefit of bible journaling that I’ve come to discover is the reminder it provides long after I’ve closed my bible. I cannot put paint and stickers on a page, snap a picture for social media, close my bible and intentionally act in a way that is opposite to what I’ve just journaled about. Have you experienced that? I can’t just be a painter of the Word- I’ve got to DO it!

At the beginning of this year I journaled a page including a prayer for help in loving others the way that Jesus loves me. Wouldn’t you know it, a week later I was given some help. However, in that moment of hurt feelings I wanted nothing but to go home and lick my wounds. But then the Holy Spirit reminded me of that entry and the prayer I wrote and I couldn’t not run after that friend with whom I’d had a misunderstanding. I literally ran after her. Then the next day we had coffee and it was great!

Print and Pray Bible Journaling Process Video by Jillian aka Hello Jillsky using digital printables | Philippians 1:2

As I finish this entry, close my bible and leave this space will everything in my life then point to Christ? Probably not. But by His grace and the Spirit’s leading, He will make me look more and more like Jesus one day at a time. And He promises to do the same thing for you, friend! Will you let Him?

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