Sunday is a day of worship, praise, & rest to prepare for the week to come. To help start your week on the right note, we have a little inspiration for you! Think about this quote & hopefully it will spark some inspiration in you so you can better serve Him in the coming days. We hope your Sunday is full of peace & mindfulness as you focus on all that He is!

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  1. KT C 5 years ago

    Not necessary regarding Colossians 1:14, although that is a Wonderful Verse,
    I thank you that I was able to download the previous several print and pray things I purchased again. The disc they were stored on died and I was so very sad that I lost so much stuff. But I realized that I could compare what I have vs my previous orders and I found the missing things. Praise the Lord for Illustrated Faith Print and Pray shop!

  2. KT C 5 years ago

    Oops, there should be a ; between Verse and I thank you, not a comma. Sorry!

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