Hybrid Print and Pray Bible Journaling by Cristin Howell using digital printables | Praise Him! | Psalm 96

Hi friends! Today, I have a fun page to share with you using Taylor’s digital set, Stand in Your Love. But first, how was your week? Did you accomplish what you wanted to get done? I had a challenging one! Every day I came home zapped of energy. I tried to be crafty and have fun creating, but instead stared at the wall in exhaustion. Sometimes that happens!

This morning, as I finished this page that I wanted to show you, I focused on the heart. Psalm 96 says, “Each day proclaim the good news that he saves. Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.” (v. 2b-3) It’s always a good time to praise Him, isn’t it? When we plant seeds of praise in our hearts, we can grow gardens of worship and thankfulness, replacing our worry and stress with faith in the One who holds everything in His hands.

Hybrid Print and Pray Bible Journaling by Cristin Howell using digital printables | Praise Him! | Psalm 96

If you’ve got worry nibbling on your spirit, and stealing your peace, we can offer a little praise. Thinking outside of ourselves grounds us in faith. We can take our troubles, and though they may be overwhelming, we can be encouraged by the things of heaven. Is this eternal, friend? I’m mostly preaching to myself here!

I told you earlier that my creative energy dissipated earlier this week. And I have to tell you, for this page that I’m sharing, I attempted to paint gingham accents around the edges, but it didn’t really turn out! The cute gingham that I envisioned looked garish and competed with the cute girl holding out her heart. So, I covered it all up! I wanted this page to be about filling my heart with praise when things aren’t going as I planned. Replacing the chaos with worship. Plus, I get to use more cute printables!

Hybrid Print and Pray Bible Journaling by Cristin Howell using digital printables | Praise Him! | Psalm 96

One of my favorite parts of Taylor’s collection is the cute notebook page that says Prayer & Praise. I added the little cat and pencil, also included in her set. I wrote a few praises and requests on here, and I tucked it under the paper clip on the page.

Hybrid Print and Pray Bible Journaling by Cristin Howell using digital printables | Praise Him! | Psalm 96

Thank you for joining me here today, friends!

1 Comment
  1. godsgirlygirl33 4 years ago

    I notice the little girl on your Psalm 96 page looks like she is part of your bible is she? If not how did you achieve that look? If she is what bible are you using?

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