Print & Pray Hybrid Bible Journaling by Elaine Davis using digital printables | Superlatives

What was your Superlative in high school? You know those silly peer awards given in the yearbook– Most Likely to Succeed, Best Hair, Class Clown, Best Dressed? I’m not super proud of mine because I think my actions were misconstrued. I was voted third for Biggest Drama Queen… yeah. I don’t love that. IN MY DEFENSE! I was battling an undiagnosed anxiety disorder at the time. So I’m sure people saw me panicking about something & thought I was being dramatic. But that’s in our class yearbook for FOREVER. How blessed are we that God doesn’t hold a record of wrongs? I’m so glad I can stride past that moniker & not be reminded of it every time I pray.

Print & Pray Hybrid Bible Journaling by Elaine Davis using digital printables | Superlatives

Now as an adult I have so many more awesome qualities that make me who I am. Some awards I might qualify for now are likely: Most Likely to Go Out in Public with a Sticker Stuck to Her Pants, Most Prayers for Patience in a 24 Hour Period, or possibly Cutest Studio Named After a Fruit (shout out to Studio Peach!). But I think, no– I KNOW, God thinks about us differently. He has pledged faithfulness to us for FOREVER. That yearbook with my embarrassing Superlative will be long gone, I’ll no longer be of this Earth, & He will still love me.

Print & Pray Hybrid Bible Journaling by Elaine Davis using digital printables | Superlatives

Check out Psalm 16. There are some powerful truths about God’s steadfastness in there that you need to read:

“I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.” (Psalm 16:7-8, ESV)

“You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11, ESV)

Print & Pray Hybrid Bible Journaling by Elaine Davis using digital printables | Superlatives

He is always at our right hand! He will never abandon us. In fact, the title of Psalm 16 is You Will Not Abandon My Soul! It doesn’t get much more clear than that!

Print & Pray Hybrid Bible Journaling by Elaine Davis using digital printables | Superlatives

I have a creative challenge for you today: create a Bible page with a brand new Superlative for yourself as a child of God. (ex: Most Loved, Biggest Heart, Most Heartfelt Prayer, Child of God, Most Likely to Praise Him, etc.) What better way to reaffirm our roots in Him & praise His faithfulness & love than to carve it into a book like we used to in high school. Let this new Superlative override whatever label your classmates slapped on you all those years ago. His approval is the only one of importance!

<3 Elaine

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Additional Supplies: Illustrated Faith She Blooms planner sticker book by Hobby Lobby | Felicity Jane Alexis kit heart stencil | Anita’s Acrylics paint in Princess Pink | grid washi tape | fabric scraps | Sew-ology thread

1 Comment
  1. Veronica 6 years ago

    I love this! What an amazing and true message!

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